How Often Should You Brush Your Teeth With Activated Charcoal?

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Medically reviewed by Othman Lahmaydi, RDH

Are you wondering if activated charcoal is good for teeth whitening and how you can use it? If the answer is yes, then you’re in the right place. Activated charcoal is well-known as a DIY treatment, and many people swear by it. But is it actually good for your teeth, and how often can you use it?

You can brush your teeth with activated charcoal 3-4 times a week to get a brighter smile. It removes stains from your teeth and makes them whiter. However, due to its abrasiveness, you must be gentle with charcoal and avoid overuse. Otherwise, it can cause enamel thinning. 

Before using activated charcoal on your teeth, you should familiarize yourself with how to use it and some tips to get the most out of it. Otherwise, it could cause you more harm than good. So, let’s get started!

What Is Activated Charcoal?

Young woman brush teeth using Activated charcoal powder for brushing and whitening teeth

Activated charcoal is a black powder obtained from coal by oxidizing it and heating it at high temperatures. It’s made porous and has many benefits to it. It is a famous DIY teeth whitening treatment.

Nowadays, people are also making activated charcoal toothpaste to avoid the hassle of using charcoal powder. 

Activated charcoal is either sold as a powder in jars or in capsules. You can find activated charcoal capsules in different stores. Nature’s Bounty Activated Charcoal (on Amazon) is a good option.

If you brush your teeth with activated charcoal regularly, you will notice a difference in the appearance of your teeth. With time, it will provide you with a brighter and shinier smile.

How Often Should You Brush With Activated Charcoal?

To get noticeable results from activated charcoal, you have to use it somewhat frequently. Activated charcoal removes stains from your teeth by absorbing different chemicals. However, it’s also abrasive and can wear down your enamel. 

Overusing activated charcoal can damage your teeth, exposing your dentin layer and making them sensitive. Charcoal toothpaste has also been linked to other negative side effects. Therefore, you shouldn’t use activated charcoal more than 3-4 times a week. 

You can use activated charcoal alone to brush your teeth, get activated charcoal toothpaste (on Amazon), or add different ingredients as well. You can make a paste of baking soda, activated charcoal, and water for teeth whitening. 

If you want to use activated charcoal alone, place some on your finger or your toothbrush and gently rub your teeth for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with water and swish the water around in your mouth to get all the powder out your mouth. 

Tips for Brushing With Activated Charcoal

Young man brush teeth using Activated charcoal powder for brushing and whitening teeth

Activated charcoal shouldn’t be overused since it has the ability to damage your enamel. Damage to enamel is irreparable, so always be cautious while using activated charcoal. 

If you already have sensitive teeth, it’s better to avoid activated charcoal or use your finger to rub it gently. Don’t use activated charcoal more than twice a week if you have sensitive teeth. 

Follow the tips given below to get the most from activated charcoal without damaging your teeth:

  • Don’t rub your toothbrush too hard while using activated charcoal. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush (on Amazon) or your fingers for activated charcoal.
  • Avoid using activated charcoal if you have braces.
  • Go for an activated charcoal toothpaste with an RDA (Relative Dentin Abrasivity) value of 250 or less. 
  • Don’t use activated charcoal for a long time. Stop its use after your stains have been removed. 
  • Don’t use activated charcoal toothpaste as a replacement for your regular toothpaste. It often doesn’t contain fluoride in it, and that’s an important ingredient for the health of your teeth.
  • Don’t swallow activated charcoal as it can contain ingredients like sorbitol, which works as a laxative. 
  • Brush and floss like normal after using activated charcoal since it doesn’t remove plaque from your teeth. 
  • Check with your dentist before using activated charcoal for your teeth. 

Final Thoughts

Now you know how often to use activated charcoal and how to brush your teeth with ti, you can get whiter teeth without damaging your enamel. Activated charcoal is an abrasive substance that can cause enamel thinning.

Enamel, once lost, can’t be repaired, and enamel loss can lead to serious problems such as tooth decay. Therefore, you should be very careful while using activated charcoal for your teeth. 

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