Invisalign, which make a great alternative to traditional metal braces, are used these days by countless people to straighten their teeth. There are no brackets or wires involved, and the whole process is relatively straightforward. Nonetheless, you may feel like your teeth are loose while wearing Invisalign. Is that something to be concerned about?
It’s normal to feel a loose tooth during Invisalign treatment. As part of the adjustment process, the aligners progressively shift your teeth into the proper position, and your gums and bone re-form around each tooth as it moves. So, they may wiggle slightly at times in this process.
When starting treatment, and with every change of the Invisalign aligners, your teeth will begin to slowly move. During this process, the bone is breaking down and building back up accommodating the movement of the tooth. Because of this, the teeth may feel loose, but it is not something to be too concerned with.
Can A Loose Tooth Occur While Wearing Invisalign?

Yes, this is normal. During the process of being moved by braces or Invisalign, teeth do often become loose. If your teeth feel loose or mildly wobbly, it might be a clear indication that the Invisalign is doing its job.
What the Invisalign does is that it guides your teeth into their proper position using pressure. Then, when the teeth are in their final position, a retainer is used for retention — so that the bone can complete its reformation. At that point, the teeth should begin to feel normal again.
Your aligners should normally not feel too loose. They should give you a tight grip the first time you put them on. After three or four days, they should feel more loose, but still snug. You should consult your dentist if you do not experience the process in this manner.
Common Causes of Loose Teeth During Invisalign Treatment

There may be an underlying problem if you experience prolonged mobility during treatment, so consult your dentist or orthodontist if this is the case.
Here are several common causes of the teeth becoming loose during Invisalign treatment:
Too Much Grinding on the Trays
If you constantly grind your teeth, they are more prone to becoming loose. The teeth normally get a lot of pressure when you grind them and this is a large contributor to mobility.
Periodontal Disease
This is also a very common cause of tooth mobility, especially among adults. If your (loose) teeth are surrounded by inflamed, red, or receding gums, you should consult your dentist immediately.
Root Resorption
This is a term that refers to the process of the body breaking down tissues found around the tooth while also absorbing tooth structure. If you may, it’s a process where the body resorbs its tooth. Major causes of this process include injury to the tooth either from physical or chemical impact, or from burns.
Lack of Bone Support
Your teeth can also get loose if you apply too much pressure or force on one or more teeth when biting. The outcome of this is possible damage to the supporting bone, leading to loose teeth.
Occlusal Trauma
Getting hit in the mouth is also one way your teeth can get loose. Any damage caused to the teeth due to excessive force that causes them to lose the ability to re-align properly is known as Occlusal Trauma.
You should consult your orthodontist or dentist the moment you notice tooth mobility. Taking action as early as possible is important to prevent the situation from getting worse.
However, remember that feeling that your teeth are slightly mobile is one of the signs that indicate that Invisalign is working as it adjusts the teeth into the desired position.