Are Yellow Teeth Stronger Than White?

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Medically reviewed by Othman Lahmaydi, RDH

Most whitening toothpaste advertisements portray healthy teeth as shining white. However, many people struggle to get their teeth to turn white no matter how much they brush. But are teeth supposed to be white? And are yellow teeth a sign of poor oral health? 

The natural color of healthy teeth is light yellow. While it’s popularly believed that white teeth are better, yellow teeth are actually stronger and healthier. However, if you notice that your teeth have become too yellow or have dark brown spots, this can be a sign of poor oral hygiene. 

Though its a common idea, the myth that teeth must be shining white to be healthy is worth debunking. Let’s take a look at the science behind why your teeth are really meant to be yellowish and ways of ensuring that it’s not an indication of poor health.

Are Yellow Teeth Normal? 

Teeth whitening and hygiene

Contrary to popular belief, yellow teeth are actually normal. Tooth enamel is a blueish white, and the dentin underneath it is light yellow. Even though the enamel covers the dentin, it’s slightly translucent, which is why your teeth will appear light yellow

When you brush your teeth with normal toothpaste (or even whitening toothpastes like Colgate Optic White (on Amazon)), it will bring out the teeth’s natural color. So, if your teeth appear to be light yellow after regular brushing, there’s nothing wrong with the toothpaste. That’s the color of your teeth as they are!

Are Yellow Teeth Stronger? 

Apart from being the standard color of your teeth, yellow teeth are actually an indication of strength, because it means that the dentin is covered by a tough layer of enamel. Even if you use whitening toothpaste, your teeth should retain their original light yellow color. It is in fact a sign of healthy teeth. 

When you use whitening strips like Crest’s 3D Whitestrips (on Amazon) too frequently, the outer enamel layer may become weaker, causing your teeth to be at a higher risk of getting cavities. While there’s no harm in using teeth whitening strips or toothpaste, don’t overdo it in a quest for sparkling white teeth, as this may actually be a sign of weaker teeth. 

So, next time your teeth appear light yellow after regular brushing, remember that they are actually stronger than sparkling white teeth. 

What Is the Healthiest Color for Your Teeth?

The healthiest teeth are usually a mix between light gray and yellow. The outer enamel is the part that protects the inner tissue, also known as dentin. This layer of enamel is a mix between light gray and white, which is partially why your teeth appear to be white from a distance. 

However, the dentin is yellow, and when combined with the enamel, it will give your teeth a slightly yellow tint. So, if you brush and floss regularly and your teeth have a slightly yellow color, it’s a sign of healthy teeth. 

However, if your teeth are too yellow, it could mean that they are stained or damaged. This could be due to dietary or lifestyle factors and is a sign of unhealthy teeth. 

But how do you know whether your teeth are the same yellow they’ve always been, or if the yellowness is a sign of unhealthy teeth? 

Here are a few ways to test your teeth health: 

Check for Stains

If you have brown stains on your teeth, it’s usually a sign that you aren’t eating healthy foods. Some foods like tea, coffee, and certain soft drinks will stain your teeth, causing them to develop brown spots. Brown stains can also develop if you don’t brush regularly or if you smoke. 

Look at the Color of Your Gums 

The easiest way to see whether your teeth are healthy or not is by looking at the color of your gums. Healthy gums are pink, regardless of the color of your teeth. However, if you don’t brush regularly or are a smoker, your gums will start to turn dark purple. 

This could also be a sign of gum disease, so it’s best to visit a dentist if your gums are dark purple.

How to Clean Unhealthy Teeth 

Big healthy smile

If your teeth are dark yellow or have brown spots, it’s often difficult to quickly get them back to their normal color. However, with regular brushing and flossing, your teeth will start to get better and turn to a light yellow shade. 

To remove stains on your teeth, you can use whitening strips or whitening toothpaste. With regular use, these stains may go away. In the case that they don’t, it’s best to seek the help of a dental professional.

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