Is Fruit Juice Bad For Your Teeth?

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Medically reviewed by Othman Lahmaydi, RDH

Fruit is known to be very good for us, and many people assume that fruit juice is good for us too. While it has some nutrients in it, some fruit juices, like orange juice, is acidic and contains high sugar content. The high sugar content poses health risks to your teeth. 

Citrus juices such as orange & grapefruit juice or lemonade can damage your enamel. Drinking orange juice regularly softens your enamel from exposure to high acidity, and the high sugar content nourishes bad bacteria in your mouth. Drinking water after fruit helps prevent issues.

Are you worried about how fruit juice may affect your teeth? Even though some fruit juices are bad for your teeth, you can still enjoy them with no issues if you practice good oral hygiene. Let’s look at the full picture of fruit juice and dental health so you know how to consume these beverages without any negative effects!

Is Fruit Juice Bad For Your Teeth? 

Hand pouring fruit juice from bottle to glass

Most citrus fruit juice is harmful to your teeth because of its acidic nature. The pH of orange juice ranges from 3.5 to 4.0. Acidity is a problem since it can erode your teeth. It specifically harms the outer protective layer of teeth, referred to as enamel.

And it’s not just fresh options – 100% juice concentrates like the classic Minute Maid 12oz frozen can (on Amazon) can be just as bad as fresh squeezed juice.

While 100% fruit juice is high in key nutrients, drinking it too frequently may be harmful to your teeth, and the more acidic fruit juice that someone consume regularly, the more likely they are to lose their enamel to erosion and end up with stained or overly sensitive teeth.

And by the way, ice pops are more acidic than liquid fruit juice, and hence more damaging to the teeth. Keeping liquids or juice pops in your mouth increases the amount of acid your teeth experience over time. This worsens the damage.

So, frozen fruit pops are quite damaging to teeth and should be especially avoided if you want to maintain good oral health. Drinking acidic fruit juices can cause tooth erosion and increase your chances of developing cavities.

What’s The Worst Fruit Juice For Your Teeth? 

Grapefruit and orange juice have a high acid content, making them harmful to your teeth and enamel. Grapefruit, orange, and lemon juice are all very acidic and can easily wear down your enamel, but this corner of citrus fruits is the worst. Apple juice is still acidic, but not nearly as much as these cistrus-based juices..

Concentrates are also a bit worse, in general. Drinking concentrated fruit juice exposes your teeth to increased amounts of acidity. More acidity means more danger for your teeth.

To reduce the time juice spends in your mouth, you can drink it all at once or with a meal rather than sipping it throughout the day. Rinsing or drinking water afterward will help quickly restore pH balance too.

To help strengthen your enamel, drink beverages that are rich in calcium and eat foods like milk or cheese in your meals to help neutralize plaque acids and restore pH balance.

What Fruit Juice Is Best For Your Teeth?

Low-sugar fruit juices, as well as any vegetable juices, are considerably healthier for your teeth. Vegetable-based juices help to neutralize acid.

Vegetable juice is one of the healthiest things you can drink, so it makes sense that it would benefit your oral health. When buying – or making your own – vegetable juice, keep the amount of fruit in the juice to a minimum, as fruits are high in sugar.

Look for juices that contain small amounts of apple or carrots if you want something a little sweeter, as they are delicious and healthy in moderation.

Blended juice made from natural fruits that are acid-free and contain no additives is not only healthy for your teeth but also good for your overall health. Not all juices are harmful to your teeth.

While not all drinks are bad for your teeth, you can still quench that pesky thirst with a drink that is good for not just your teeth but also your general health.

Should I Stop Drinking Fruit Juice Since It’s Bad For My Teeth? 

Young woman making detox smoothie at home

No, you don’t have to quit drinking fruit juice. Instead, try using a straw, drinking with a meal, and rinsing your mouth with water afterward.

There are a few other health practices worth mentioning that can make sure fruit juice has a limited effect on your teeth. 

Always stick to natural and nutritious beverages and meals to fulfill your sweet tooth instead of manufactured sugary beverages and snacks. Also, ensure you make a pleasant and fulfilling drink by juicing your fruits and vegetables. This minimizes the amount of sugar and acid that you expose your teeth to.

If you do drink any soda or sugary beverages, select the ones that will protect your teeth rather than damage your teeth.

Just as it’s wise to limit the number of sugary snacks you eat, especially at least one hour before bed, you should also limit your intake of alcohol.

You may simply stick to one small soda a day instead of one per meal. This will help to lower your salivary rates during sleep and support your body’s ability to neutralize acid in your mouth.

Finally, it’s important to maintain a regular dental routine. Having your teeth cleaned and checked regularly will help protect them from decay. Early checkups can help you spot emerging health issues before they get worse. It’s critical to have access to dental treatment to keep your teeth in good shape.

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